October goals


October gave me a new home; on the first of the month, Michael and I moved into our cute little cottage like house, with a lovely green-filled back garden and inherited house plants. I have been happy… and busy. So busy, it’s almost mid-October before I get the goals’ post out of the door; they’ve been in my head since September, I know what I want from this month and its autumnal gentleness, I just had to write it down.

In January I embraced change. In February I created change. In March I somewhat learned to deal with change. In April I accepted change. In May I (let myself) enjoy change. In June, I settled in the change. In July, I ignored change. In August, I lived with change. In September I made it through change. In October, I want to appreciate change.

:: celebrate Little Brother’s birthday.
:: sew for our new home.
:: knit four gifts (one down, three to go)

You can read all my monthly goals posts here and my change :: one little word posts here.



  1. MissLilly
    12 October 2013 / 12:00

    awww moving houses is always an excitement, especially the first months of trying to make a house a home, but no doubt that youll make it quickly and successfully 🙂

  2. ei! kumpel
    12 October 2013 / 13:47

    mudar de casa é assustador e muito entusiasmante ao mesmo tempo! Quero ver o que vais costurar para a casa nova 🙂

  3. Naná
    12 October 2013 / 22:44

    Então aprecia!!! :)Muitas felicidades na casa nova!

  4. cococita
    14 October 2013 / 14:14

    So happy to know the two of you are living together: I knew it would happen one day and always believed in your love. Warm hug from the sunny Provence and wishing you a splendid time back home in PT! xxx

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