Creative project 2016

As we all know, March April is the best month for announcements, especially new year project announcements. So here I am, perfectly on time for that, ready to share my creative project 2016.
I’d been thinking about creativity and how to explore my photography and the art of making more and more in 2016. I’d been thinking about it for what felt like fo-re-va and as a consequence I’d gotten absolutely no-whe-re! Of course! And then it came to me. My creative project 2016 edition. But let’s go back in time a bit, a fair bit.
Two people told me about the photos meet words approach I seem to take here, and in life generally. Two people dear to me and coming at it from completely different angles and view points.
My brother. Ages ago, it escapes me when (possibly a sign of old age!) I was telling my brother how I was seriously considering closing this blog. Much to my surprise – because he finds blogs funny – he told me I shouldn’t. He also said I should make a book of it, with all my posts and its stories and images. Because there was so much me in it. And it would be such a wonderful record of my life, a snippet of my life, but a record nonetheless.
Elke. Every so often, when the topic of creative projects comes up, or when we chat about life (which sadly isn’t as frequent anymore!), my dear friend Elke says I should do something to do with curating my images and words into one piece. It’s always her idea of what my future creative project should be.
And then me. Finally, I listened. To them and to myself. This blog is my creative project. And it was right here in front of me all long. I didn’t need to come up with a fancy idea or a spectacularly innovative project. All I was after was something that would get my creative juices flowing and made me grow creatively. My photography and writing do just that, especially when together.
There isn’t a deadline nor a commitment to regular engagement with my project because that has stressed me out previously. A lot. I will write and photograph whatever I feel like, whenever I feel like it, from raw nostalgia to happy striped baby blankets, anything goes. At the end of the year, or early next year, I will compile a Blurb book with all the posts, because ultimately I want something I can touch at the end of it.
And that’s it, folks, creative project 2016 has been sorted and launched. In plenty of time, of course! Enjoying it already!

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