of foggy days

Sometimes, all I want to do is write. Like right now. Right now, I’m sitting by the radiator, feet up on my world map pouf, blanket over my legs, hoody up, thinking when it got this cold that I didn’t see it coming! It is November though and I must keep that in mind before I complain about the cold…

Today’s was a foggy morning. There’s something charming about foggy mornings, as if they held this secret and promise of something – please make it good – when the fog finally lifts. Foggy mornings on top of South Park are magical, when you can time it just right to see the dreaming spires appear in the distance. I missed it today.

The thing with fog though, is that sometimes it’s not hiding a treat or Oxford’s enchanted views. Occasionally, the fog can be prettier than all the things it veils.


1 Comment

  1. 5 November 2014 / 16:34

    “ It is November though and I must keep that in mind before I complain about the cold… “ – é mesmo isto. Por muito que custe o frio, é Novembro e tivémos o melhor verão e o melhor Setembro dos últimos tempos… beijinho grande!

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