::inspiring Mondays::


I have a cold. I have had a cold all weekend, a mean one that beat me up with a bat when I wasn't looking and made me stay in bed all weekend. The nicest weekend yet. Oh what joy! Not. I ran with Nicky early on Saturday and… that was pretty much it. I spent the rest of the day feeling sorry for myself as I watched the sunshine through the window and read about how everyone on my facebook seemed to be having a blast of a time at BBQs. In. The. Sunshine! On Saturday night, I had had enough of myself. Nevermind the cold, I was annoying. 

Perspective, yet again. How I like you! I like how you make things so much better and much more enjoyable. For example, how you made watching films in bed, all day long, such a cool thing; forget the reason, just enjoy what it is you are doing. Or how you made me cherish the amazing light that comes through my window; what a great place to be ill in, my bedroom. 
:: Little Brother's enthusiasm and belief in our project 
:: early morning runs with Nicky 
:: internet. you are liked. 
:: freshly baked lemon cake delivered to my desk this morning. warm heart 
:: cycling to the station this morning. I actually miss it. 
:: watching films. all day long. and feeling justified in doing so. 
:: presents in the post. thank you cococita + wide-eyed-tree
I hope you all have a good beginning to the week, healthy and sunny. I'm looking forward to catching up on my blog reading now I'm back online.


  1. Anne Hill
    22 April 2013 / 19:58

    being sick when the weather is gorgeous is extra frustrating huh?! feel better soon!

  2. MissLilly
    22 April 2013 / 20:57

    I went for walking both days in Richmond, which I love, just for the sake of getting out of the house and enjoy the sun. Yesterday was a bit cloudy, so watched a movie too: Senna. It was good and relaxing.Wish you a quick recovery my dear 🙂

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