::inspiring Mondays::

… on a non-Monday! Gotta love bank holiday Mondays, really!
As I sit in my living room genuinely grateful and heart-warmed by the wrapped sweet treats I've just been given, I wonder about how I came to be this lucky with the people I know. As I read emails and texts of dear friends who live far away but aren't far, I wonder about how I came to be this lucky with the people I know. As I look at the one photo from a requested pancake brunch because I fancied one, I wonder how I came to be this lucky with the people I know. As I'm driven to a nice location for what could be just another run but will be cooler now, I wonder how I came to be this lucky with the people I know. And the list goes on…
I never reach any conclusions and more often than not I'm just baffled at people's generosity towards me so I just savour the thought and said luck and I smile. Smiling feels good. And I hope they know how sweetly they make me smile, on inspiring Mondays and on all other days when I need a little hug.
:: finishing a sewing design. I did it!
:: celebrating food.
:: good friends.
:: knitting. I'm more and more into knitting.
:: Bath Spa. recommend!
:: two days of sunshine!
:: good coffee!
:: funky fabric.
I hope you've had a nice and relaxing start to the week… and the month. Hello April!

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