::inspiring Mondays::

window dreams
February ends this week and all I can think of is how intense a month it has been. A big part of it was very scary and then it was ok. All of it was a learning curve, a visible one, that pushes and pulls and gives you (sexy) wrinkles from the constant stretch. 
As the last Monday of February, today was true to the month's form and took me on a roller-coaster of emotions which hot chocolate can't sooth, but love can. Now I need some sleep. Life is good.
:: a network of people who are there for me. I've done well for myself in that respect.
:: the amazing patience of my parents and how comforting it is to have them there for me.
:: Saturday night chats and giggles over wine.
:: soft yarn.
:: running shoes.
:: the smell of coffee.
:: my hot water bottle.
:: rubber stamps.
:: Mondays. 
It was grey in Oxford. But does it matter when you carry the sun inside you? 
Hope you had a lovely Monday.


  1. cococita
    25 February 2013 / 20:15

    A warm hug sweetie! Everything will be ok in the end, thats what I know for sure.

  2. Little Miss Joey
    27 February 2013 / 04:44

    Thank you, miss E. As ever, you are a calming and soothing force 🙂 x

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