At the beginning of the year I shared my word for 2013, change. I also said I had set new year resolutions, divided into measurable and manageable goals which I would work on monthly, to keep things realistic and interesting (let’s not forget interesting!).
For January, I wanted to embrace change and see the difference in my daily life. I wanted to change little things that would make a big difference to me. And so I did.
In February I want to create change and see what comes of it. As before, I went through my resolutions (or dreams, one could call it realistic dreams!) and the goals wrote themselves.
:: run at least three times a week.
:: speak to my Parents at least once a week.
:: make at least one different type of bread.
:: write at least three times a week.
:: organise my creative space.
What I’m looking for in some of the above, other than the obvious, is that they become a habit. A good habit. Ideally, it will also become a habit for me to blog about my progress. Well, maybe not the conversations with the Parents, I’ll keep that one to myself!
Thank you for sharing! I am so curious about the breads and love the writing idea, which is really powerful, youll see! And thank you for reminding me, as I should do it too. It was such a good habit here, but will have to show some discipline again. Good luck: february promises to be a good month!
first we have to “force” ourselves to do it, when we realize we are doing it because it became an habit.funny I also call my parents weekly (even though I speak with my dad almost daily on gmail).run for me its pointless, its one of those goals I cant achieve bahhhhh :(hum like the different types of bread, anything already in mind?write three times a week I wish and I actually miss creative writing. just blogging once in a whilehave a nice weekend my dear