::inspiring Mondays::

Carrot wool... mine!
This Monday came as a balm of fresh air and sunshine. I spent my Friday night and all of Saturday (I repeat, all of Saturday!) with a headache, so in my books at the moment Saturdays can be so boo that the least good Monday can overcome them. And this one did. 
I love knitting. It's one of the things that completely grabs my attention in such a focussed manner than I can switch off completely. For us knitting lovers, wool is a marvellous thing and wool shopping is one of the very shopping experiences (along with fabric shopping, of course) that I truly enjoy! So when I saw this hand-dyed carrot wool made by a Portuguese artist, alfinete,  there was only one thing I could do… GET IT! And so I did! It is mine, all mine! It's beautiful and soft and mine! 
:: Monday sunshine. 
:: any day sunshine, really! 
:: sending photos to Mum and Dad of the dress I'll be wearing for my cousin's wedding. and the conversation that followed. including details of the shoes and other accessories. with both of them. love, really love, their effort to be there for me on the silly things 
:: calling Dad to moan about flight prices. I know, it's annoying, he says to me, but that's the price, what can I do. nothing, I say, just listen to me rant. ok, he replies, rant away. another important mission in a Dad's life, completed. 
:: Little Brother's emails. a mini bombardment of adorableness. 
:: my hot water bottle. even in June, the little thing warms my heart and my body! 
:: Portugal is through to the quarter finals of the Euro 2012. exciting. 

:: carrot cake. and lovely Sunday afternoon chats and laughs.
:: bootcamp. it just feels good!

How has your Monday been? Better than the weekend and filled with lovely promises of a great week… I hope 🙂


  1. ei! kumpel
    18 June 2012 / 21:50

    A lã é LINDA! Também tivémos sol o dia todo (uau, uau, uau) e embora tenha um bebé ligado à corrente que não me deixou descansar de noite muito menos de dia, foi uma segunda-feira muito boa.Gosto tanto da forma como descreves os teus dias, é deliciosa!margarida

  2. Dobbin
    18 June 2012 / 23:27

    Great pic, how do you get such good light and focus, please tell your readers!

  3. Ana Eugénio
    19 June 2012 / 00:33

    a foto é deliciosa e como tu irradias sol nas palavras, a minha segunda-feira ganhou um sorriso e um aconchego bom. o meu dia foi especial por ver com a minha mãe All in the Family com a Edith e o Archie Bunker. está a dar na RTP Memória. fenomenal. andei pelo Skype mas desencontrámo-nos ;( beijos grandes e que o teu sol brilhe toda a semana 🙂

  4. Eva Linda
    19 June 2012 / 07:06

    Ya veo, de naranja (lana) en naranja (pastel de zanahoria). Qué vas a tejer con esta linda lana?

  5. Encarna
    19 June 2012 / 20:26

    Hola guapa,no conocía tu pasión por tejer¡ Conozco ya a algunas personas que les encantaBesos

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