::inspiring Mondays::

I got in! LMJ is proudly taking a photography class with the brilliant Jackie Rueda. I have been waiting over a year to take this course – L'Atelier – an amazing photographic journey with serious constructive feedback and visible changes in one's photographic eye! I have not just sat here waiting though, oh no. I took Jackie's short courses Aventura and December and that only made me want to be part of the group of lucky ones that grab a place at L'Atelier even more! For the first time ever in my life, I felt pretty fortunate I understand Spanish! Oh yeah, LMJ! I'm so excited about this I even manage to write in Spanish for the class… and that people, is what enthusiasm and determination can do for you! That and knowing a latin language or two!
Jackie's photography has me dreaming about images and colour and light since the day I found her, more than a year ago! It's not just her photography that grips me though, it's her humorous writing style and positive outlook too; I'd recommend her blog if you can read it 😉
:: LMrJ 
:: friends who help me move. and feed me. and still like me at the end of it all.
:: my work colleagues. they take away the weight of the heavy days.
:: my boss. and the faces he makes to make me smile. and the conversations we have when the faces fail.
:: friends who pose for me and do funny things so my photos can turn out that little bit better. 
:: L'Atelier. I got in!
:: photography.
:: understanding Spanish.
:: skype. how I love skype!
:: rain, saving Britain from a drought! yep, true!
How was your day? Are you feeling much of Spring yet? Hope you had a lovely start to your week!


  1. cococita
    23 April 2012 / 22:16

    Wishing you a lot of fun with this course dearest Joey! I want to know everything about it! YAY for castellano, from now on we could talk Spanish instead of English :)Did you find a new place already? Hope we can find some time to skype next week, as we are very (way too) busy, but I miss you miss you miss you …

  2. Little Miss Joey
    25 April 2012 / 21:52

    Im loving it, Elke, loving it!New place found. Move in date: the future :PInterim solution arranged ;)Miss you! x

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