::inspiring Mondays::

Little Miss Joey is back to the blog and daily routine. It took me a while to settle, to look at my room and feel at home. They say home is where the heart is… mine has currently left me and is being looked after in a distant warm land, possibly getting the tan I don't have. 
While I sit here looking like a dead squid, I'm that pale, the seasons change and change. Spring has arrived, I'm pretty sure it has. Spring in the UK is beautiful, just beautiful and if you ever have a chance to experience it, I'd suggest you grab it with both hands (possibly even your feet!). After a long winter, spring comes and life immediately feels better and promising and filled with incredibly happy things. The days are longer and one can actually enjoy a pre and post-work daylight time. Amazing!
:: daylight!
:: daylight!
:: daylight! 
:: memories of Paris. and photos. 
:: Mamma Mia! The play, in London. Absolutely fabulous! 
:: homemade bread.
:: sushi.
:: friends. again and again, my friends are the best! 
:: my bike, all nice and tuned ready for spring.
:: Spring!
:: mimo!
I missed the blog. I missed photographing and illustrating a post and thinking about your lovely comments and following you back to your blogs and reading about what you're up to. I missed it all and I like to be back! I will slowly start to catch up…

Bridges over the Seine


  1. Ana Eugénio
    12 March 2012 / 23:00

    its good to have you back. despite your flying heart. xxo

  2. cococita
    13 March 2012 / 16:15

    I missed you too my dearest LMJ! Isnt it wonderful to have sunshine again? I hope LMrJ and you dont have to wait too long to see each other again in real life … Thinking of you and sending you a lot of girlpower and sunny vibes!xxx

  3. cococita
    13 March 2012 / 16:29

    PS: what do you mean by mimo? You make me curious! 🙂

  4. cococita
    13 March 2012 / 16:29

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Angela Acosta
    13 March 2012 / 23:10

    Spring is fabulous and exciting. Im not quite sure if Id appreciate it as much if I had it year round. Glad to see youre in good spirits.

  6. Dobbin
    14 March 2012 / 16:27

    Great photos…please post some more of your Parisian adventure soon…

  7. Little Miss Joey
    18 March 2012 / 08:35

    Thank you everyone! Im just ove reading what youve been up to :)All good and exciting here!@Elke: mimo is something between cuddles and sweet spoiling 😀

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