This Monday is very special as it is my first day as a 31 year old woman. Wow, me! What can I tell you about being 31? Let's see… not much. I haven't been here long enough and it just seems to me it's a bit more of the same. And I mean that in the nicest way possible. Nonetheless, one should celebrate the little things, so this first day was great!
I enjoy getting older and still being around and feeling slightly wiser. It's a good feeling. I love celebrating my birthday and having cake and candles and people I love around me. The simple life.
:: my birthday.
:: little brother and the parents. ♥
:: baking for friends.
:: cake and candles.
:: being baked for by friends.
:: laughing.
:: walking. I love it!
:: saturday night.
:: natural light. isn't it wonderful?
:: Mum on the phone.
:: Facebook and the ability to be in touch.
:: my friends. I repeat, they are the best in the whole wide world and beyond!
you make life special. even when you call it simple 🙂 * HAPPY NEW YEAR *xo
Aww…. thanks Ana :DBeijo grande!
I like the title youve given this photo in Flickr, very witty and also very true!
Thanks Dobbin 🙂 x
Too late for a birthday card now. Happy birthday anyway! xx