::inspiring Mondays::

singing to you
I had a lovely, relaxing, and shall I add chilled, weekend. It was slow moving and the sun shone all the time and I wore flip flops and smiles. It was so good that last night in bed I made sure I wouldn't go to sleep just so it wouldn't end. Unfortunately for LMJ, she has very little control over the size of the weekend and Monday did arrive and she was just a wee bit more tired than desired. But… the sun is out still and life is beautiful and the birds sing and the flip flops stay put and the smiles are out and about too.
I learned a valuable and happy lesson last year. We are not alone. There are people willing to step up and show us that when the time comes. This lesson I have had repeated to me this year over and over again. It was a good thing to learn.
:: summer has arrived in Oxford.
:: LMJ texts little brother: what's up?. little brother calls LMJ. 45 minutes later life is even better. 
:: Dad's advice. Mum's chat.
:: slow Sundays.
:: knitting.
:: my camera.
:: sunshine!
:: flip flops.
:: friends.
:: the people we know.
:: ice cream.
:: ice cream weather.
:: natural light.
:: photographing in natural light.

Hazy Oxford
Today my list could go on and on and on πŸ™‚ How about you? What is inspiring you this week? Do tell, LMJ is one curious little bugger πŸ™‚


  1. Ana Eugenio
    1 August 2011 / 23:33

    Im addicted to your ::inspiring Mondays:: love the way you make life beautiful πŸ™‚

  2. Ana Eugenio
    1 August 2011 / 23:35

    thank you for the inspiration Joey. cant wait to see your work during Shooting the Breeze course. love you second photo, it has a certain Fall mood πŸ™‚

  3. Ana Eugenio
    1 August 2011 / 23:39

    why am I writing several comments you might be thinking. because I wrote a long one and lost it due to a connection error. what is inspiring me this week? my brand new Etsy shop and so many photo challenges Im finding online. so much to dream and so little time. today I sent my RU gift exchange. Im pretty happy with it. hope it will be a good gift πŸ™‚ xoxo

  4. Little Miss Joey
    4 August 2011 / 06:48

    πŸ˜€ Thanks for all the comments Ana!Its such a positive encouragement, very sweet :)Congratulations on the shop, I have been around there, looking good πŸ˜€ Big step! All the luck in the world with it, Ana :)xx

  5. Ana Eugenio
    7 August 2011 / 18:10

    πŸ™‚ thank you hun. and now, drums please… (this one only makes sense in portuguese)* * * FELIZ DIA DE TI * * *happy bday and happy new year :)xoxo

  6. Little Miss Joey
    8 August 2011 / 19:44

    :DObrigada Ana! Tive mesmo um feliz dia de mim :)Um beijo grande de obrigadaxoxo

  7. Marisa
    19 August 2011 / 01:31

    Gosto muito desta foto! Faz-me sorrir. Podia ficar horas a olhar para ela πŸ™‚

  8. Marisa
    19 August 2011 / 01:32

    A foto das Γ‘rvores, quero dizer, gosto da luz!

  9. Little Miss Joey
    21 August 2011 / 22:10

    πŸ™‚ Obrigada! Ando a tentar melhorar a captura da luz πŸ™‚

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