Portugal. That is home. Back at home. Home is the sunshine and the sea and the smell of the sea. Home is strolls by the beach throughout the year. Yes, home is also bakeries, well done for remembering without any prompting.
In 21 days, I will go home. Yay me! The occasion is a beach holiday with the little brother, Mum and Dad. I'm really looking forward to these 10 days relaxing with them. And you will be too, when you see all the amazing photos I'm planning on taking and read my even wittier comments on the different shades of sunlight tanning me throughout the week. Yes, I'd be looking forward to that if I were you, because we all know how inspiring the sun can be for one's creative spirit. On day one, I will be a pretty pathetic yellow-ish emigrant returning home, but by the 10th day I expect to be a golden brown healthier looking version of my current self. Fingers crossed for moi, if you're not too jealous.
I'm counting the days to going home. And I'm counting the hours until M gets here. With a little bit of E with him. Home is Portugal and home is all the places where I've left a bit of myself… home is the people I love.
Art is touching people by being creative and thats one of the reasons why you are a real Artist (with a big A, for many reasons). Your written pieces, as well in Portuguese as in English, your photography, your crafting, your knitting, the way you treat your dear and beloved ones … Its all so LMJ and we are happy to enjoy it and -in a way- to be part of it. Indeed, home is where the heart is. I hope you can feel (a bit) home at our place in D. too, cause we want our home to be your home as well. So if you feel the need to come over, just let us know!And enjoy the beauty of spring in O. while youre counting the days till the day you can have your daily toast, back home, while the sun is shining and the sea is only some footsteps away …
Your gentle words really warm my heart, elkecita :)I do feel at home with you, either in silence listening to music or chatting away and laughing. I hope Spring reaches your home soon too, in more ways than one… :)x