As promised, a little snippet into a corner of my home, just because I like to keep my promises. If you were expecting chaos everywhere, I tell you… there’s still a bit of it around but it’s going to be one of those things I keep from you, a girl is entitled to have secrets! The de-cluttering has finished, if I get rid of anymore things I’ll go around the world half naked covered in books and that is not a look I want to encourage being the fashion trend setter that I am!
All I can say now is that I’ve had enough of sorting. Enough! And although it is finished, the place could do with a cleaning. A girl’s work never ends really. Except when she says ENOUGH! And tells the in-need-of–cleaning-bits she’ll deal with it tomorrow. Oh yeah, who’s the boss?
At the end of this wonderful process that is de-cluttering I have discovered something new about myself – I have become one of those annoying people who cannot sit still and is always working on something. My grandma always said that idle hands are a waste of time and I believed her and complied sweetly, but seriously, it is now a bit ridiculous! I should have spent my evening with the feet up, tea in hand and film on, but no; I spent my evening making lists (have I spoke of my love of lists?), sorting photos, writing, doing laundry (now that’s one bit of cleaning that wins over me!), planning world domination through wittiness (or cuteness, cannot decide which!)…
You may have noticed the flowers in the photo; carnations, red carnations. These are important in Portuguese history, symbol of freedom in the Carnation Revolution. I chose them because they remind me of home and all that can be good at home when things aren’t going so well over there. Sometimes, you just have to believe.
Just imagining you walking around covered in books. :)) Nice picture as always.
Believe it or not: the same flowers (same genre, same colour) in our living room and bed room. That says something about us, women with style 😉
Plasma Engineer: Hahaha…! Thanks 🙂 elkecita: I believe it! And I love the “women with style”! I miss you, sweet lady! June/July…!