The blank editor holds as much promise as it does nothingness. Some days, the promise is all I can feel. Other times, I wander as if lost in the white space, unable to give it a form beyond the freedom it offers. Today, I feel the promise. I know why I’m here. And it contradicts my top one tip for comms work – think of your audience. I am here for me, in spite of my audience, or lack thereof. I am here because I want to write and I want to write here too and I love this digital…

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I read this sentence once, or many times actually!, about being able to do anything but not everything. This stuck with me because yeah, it makes sense, of course it does. And then I sit down to plan my week or write my to do list and I realise this mantra as really not permeated into my life or how I’m going about things. I’m in a season of life (I have mixed feelings about this expression, which is why it’s the only way I can think of to describe my right now), where time is as scarce as my…

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Sometimes, all that needs changing is your perspective. That’s where I’m at now – the land of little sleep and frustrated cries that only need me to look at it differently! Yes, ultimately these will still be days of little sleep and perhaps it won’t solve all of the cries of frustration we’re getting at the moment, but… I’ll be so much happier about it! I’ve changed gears last week, after what was a tough day of parenting, and things have been so much better. I feel calmer and whilst there are still cries of frustration, we just see them…

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