inspiring Mondays and getting the ball rolling


It's Monday and every so often I'm reminded of a series I once ran back when I was writing way more than I am now. For different reasons, I've also ended up remembering that last year I blogged everyday in November. It was great and exactly what I needed at the time, which made me consider doing it again this year. But then November started and I can barely tell what day it is, so the thought never left the planning stages. And as I sit with Olivia next to me, I realise a year ago both Olivia and I had very different lives and didn't even know each other. 

What difference a year makes, no?
Or not.

Last year, I was contemplating change, choosing change, or not choosing anything at all other than how to deal with things. This year, I'm largely in the same situation, only different. I feel I've been living in limbo for a year, a limbo which witnessed little things and big things and mega projects and a lot of house untidiness. A limbo that rested on a lot of thinking. 

There's a lot to be said for thinking about life. It's great, really, it is, and needed in a lot of ways, but… nothing happens. Or is it just me? Maybe it is just me. I have this kind of impression that things just don't happen when you're too busy thinking about it. Things happen by doing, by working on them, but getting the ball rolling and getting things done. And I've been missing that.

One of my favourite bloggers is a Portuguese freelance journalist, mother of 4 (including a one year old baby), recently enamoured of running to the point of doing her first marathon last month. At first glance, she seems to have it all – a big happy (demanding of her attention) family, a hectic job, a busy social life, and an intense training schedule. If you look closer, you'll notice she has precisely that! As I sit on my sofa reading her incredibly well written and witty posts, I marvel at her gift with time. Not her gift of time, mind you, but her gift with time.

Some people's time just seems to stretch to infinity and beyond! So why can't mine?

As it turns out, mine can too, if I want it to. It starts with me getting up and doing it and finishes with me having stood up and done it. It's so simple I love it.

I find I work best and achieve more when I have a bit of time to plan – paper diary lovers, anyone? – and then just get on with it. No time to think about how mad it all sounds, or how long the days aren't, or how much there's still to do, or listen to any doubters, the little energy suckers. Bit by bit, deadlines are met, projects are finished and launched, and life is lived.

All of this to say I'm feeling inspired today. It wasn't a smooth path to this end of the day feeling, but I feel it now and I'm cherishing it and making the most of it. At the expense of my French class homework which will need to be looked at another day… before Wednesday evening!


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