It seems it’s taken me four days to arrive in 2015; I must have been aiming to be fashionably late and make an entrance! And I have, even if just I noticed it. 
I love the beginning of a new year, much as I love the beginning of a new day. There’s that sweet smell of possibility in the air and everything holds the promise of something good about to happen, yet to be touched or spoilt. I guess for me each beginning is a happy spring, no matter what time of year! So I’m making 2015 my year of promise and fulfilment. Yikes, that sounds grand!
This year, I will not have a little word to guide me through. Much as I’ve enjoyed my experiences with CHANGE and CHOOSE, I also found it quite freaky to be put to the test each year precisely on those things. Very freaky! So I’m parking the whole one little word concept and working to a different motto – CHOOSING to CHANGE. 
This (little) motto pretty much sums up what I’ve learned these past couple of years from having a yearly little word. No matter what you do or dream and wish for, sometimes life happens and you’re left there to deal with it. Full stop. All you can choose or change is how you will deal with whatever is happening. And that’s precisely what I’m CHOOSING to CHANGE in 2015 - how I deal with it – quite empowering and way less heavy than my previous editions.
One thing I will keep in 2015 is setting goals. Goals make dreams tangible! Oh yes, they do. Plus I enjoy working towards a goal and check it off the list. Such a good feeling! 
Goal setting not only gives my dreams that much needed tangible dimension, it also nudges me to get things done. Simple things, like knitting these socks. And bigger things, like taking on a 365 Photo Project. 
I'm working on a list of goals, big and small, for the year. Things I want to achieve, start, finish, experiment, play with, change, improve, ditch, enjoy! It's exciting!
I hummed and hawed about doing a daily photo project in 2015 and… I’m doing it! I love photography and really wanted to do it, so I let go of the fear of taking on such a big project and dove straight in. A year is a long time to keep the interest going and I don’t know how I’ll work through the lows that I’m sure will come, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there. For now, I’m embracing my love of photography and the project all at once with arms wide open and cupped up hands to keep it in. We’re doing this, people!
Writing was, without a doubt, my first love. Whilst it isn’t my only love now – oh hello, photography, sewing, knitting, running! – it’s love nonetheless and what I’ve been doing the longest. I can actually now say I’ve been writing for more than 20 years, which is both cool and revealing of my age! Over the years, I’ve written all sorts of things, from soppy poetry to heartfelt prose in black-cover moleskines to blog posts in Portuguese and English.
This blog started as a way to combine my love of writing with my passion for photography, so it was only fitting that the 365 photo project had a writing project companion. I’m yet to fine tune the details of this one, but I'm getting there.
I ran two half-marathons in 2014. I may – or may not – run one in 2015. If I do, it will be the Porto Half Marathon in September. If I don't, I will still be running this year. And what better way to motivate myself than to have goals, right? Right! 
Irrespective of my half-marathon decision, I aim to run 10K in 59 minutes this year, shaving 7 minutes off my current PB. And to achieve that, I will run at least three times a week from mid-January. Unlike with my photo project, where I must take a photo a day, I'm prepared to have real life interfering here, resulting in a forced week off here and there. It's important I accept that from the word go!
Let's play, 2015!


  1. 9 January 2015 / 09:13

    Wow you are going to have a busy year – good luck! I’m really impressed you’re doing the 365 photo project, I hope you can keep it going, you’ve certainly made a good start 🙂

  2. 13 January 2015 / 19:50

    Thanks, Nicky 🙂
    Wanna join me? On the writing challenge, at least? That’s how it all started… 🙂

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