training for a half marathon – week 2


Week two of my training was much better than week one. Not that it took much to top zero runs, but still! 

The weekday runs are challenging at the moment; distant is the feeling of awesomeness of week 0 and I’d give half a nail to have that back. The post-run feeling is still brilliant though! Really holding on to that when I drag myself out of bed at 6:30 in the morning. 
The weekend runs are still my favourite. I get to chat to Nick, we catch up, he paces me and that is brilliant. It’s also when I do the running related photo for the weekly posts and I’m loving that! The challenge of coming up with different angles for the exact same thing is exciting! At the moment, I take the photo before the run, just outside the house. Will this change as the weeks progress? No idea, I'm just having fun with it.
Weeks: 2 done (8 to go)
Mood: Incredulity! How on earth will I be able to run 21K in 8 weeks?

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