change :: November update


November was a good month and I can't help but be in awe of it. If I had to pick the most bland or boo for no reason month, I'd very likely say November. The days are short and there's still a long way to go until Christmas. It's cold and you're surrounded by Christmas adverts. Yep, poor November has the worst bits of December and none of its major points. Yet, November was good and I embraced it. I felt at home!

Michael's Mum visited in November. It was good to get to know her better and spend time with her. It was lovely to have a guest to pamper and be a hostess for. It was delightful to hear about Michael's children days… there's nothing quite like an embarrassing childhood story to makes us see how similar we are!
I also became an official contributor to Fe-line; you can read my first post here! It's all about cool places to sample Brazilian and Portuguese food in Oxford. I hope you enjoy it and, given the opportunity, get to sample all those places when you visit.
I did finish my little birds cardi… as knitting goes. I now need to find buttons for it and block it. Can't wait to wear it! And can't wait to photograph it and show it here. I have largely planned the baby quilt for my cousin and know exactly what I want; if only the fabric could magically appear in my stash, that would be fab! I haven't checked, but I think I did write here twice a week; not more, but at least that. That's how habits are made, surely 😉


  1. cococita
    1 December 2013 / 17:06

    Cherish the beauty of the past month and yay for the promise of a brand new one! It has been a year now that we have seen each other: I am quite sure next year will be a different one with the 4 of us reunited 🙂 Cant wait to see your cardi and hope youll find the perfect buttons soon!

  2. Mrs. D
    3 December 2013 / 08:40

    November has been a good month for me as well – and like you, I also feel it is quite a change from previous years. Maybe we are all having a good year?I want to see your cardi!!!!

  3. Laura
    4 December 2013 / 18:24

    Congrats on becoming a contributor to Fe-line! I love that mirror picture of you two. xoxo

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