::inspiring Mondays::


Very few things compare to a crisp and clear autumn morning… especially when viewed from my bedroom window. And whilst the photo was taken on Sunday, it reminds me of how lucky I am to live in this house.

The short winter days in the UK are one of the hardest things for me to cope with. Every week from now until the 21st December, I'll cherish the Monday a bit more as it's still not as dark as it will become; today is no exception. For now, I still leave the house in daylight and that is something to enjoy and make the most of.

:: a moving business.
:: being a Fe-line contributor. so very exciting! more here.
:: feeling creative and inspired.
:: pumpkin with goat's cheese. the joys of cold weather.
:: the coolest safety shoes ever – mine!
:: my work colleagues. brilliant!

How's winter and its Mondays were you are? Hope you had a lovely start to the week!



  1. cococita
    5 November 2013 / 10:38

    Loving those windows and the bright sunshine: missing you and your adorable British home town. Speaking for us, we have been visiting a real LEGO shop yesterday and came home with an adorable building project. Because we are never to old to play, are we? How about your business? Id so love a catch up 🙂 Much love from this cold, grey and rainy country

  2. ei! kumpel
    5 November 2013 / 15:33

    Linda a janela. Também me custam tantos estes meses de dias tão curtos. Não me apetece fazer nada, tudo me serve de desculpa… ainda para mais este ano não tivémos o outono solarengo a que este país nos habituou – sinto-me roubada 😉

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