::inspiring Mondays::

This is the first Monday of a different life. As with most new things, it takes some getting used to but I think we’ll get there. Slowly, perhaps, but we'll get there. I’m working on a post about this recent change in my life and I’m looking forward to sharing it here.
As seems to be the trend recently, I had a really busy Saturday and a very chilled Sunday. This has been working for me and makes me feel relaxed and ready for the week. That and the Call the Midwife DVDs in the company of ice cream, my knitting and Michael. I guess cold Springs have their perks after all.
:: Michael is in Oxford
:: texting with my brother. It warms my heart every time.
:: a dear friend is visiting. Hugs go such a long way to make us happy!
:: house sitting in a lovely setting. How I love the British green.
:: hearing nothing but the silence. What an experience.
:: preparing posts. An interesting concept I’m enjoying more and more.
How was your Monday? I hope filled with hugs and sunshine 🙂


  1. ei! kumpel
    14 May 2013 / 14:07

    Curiosa por saber tudo sobre esses novidades. Por cá tivémos uma boa segunda feira, mas nada nos preparou para o dilúvio de hoje…

  2. cococita
    14 May 2013 / 17:11

    Yay for new chapters and warm greetings to Michael! Enjoy every single bit of this new way of living. Hope to see both of you soon …

  3. MissLilly
    14 May 2013 / 20:52

    hey it seems theres news coming up, can hardly wait!!!monday… oh well, cloudy, rainy, cold, sad, waking up too early, meetings until late, just a regular monday 🙂

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