::inspiring Mondays::

I am happy. Exhausted but happy. I have worked at the Big Bang Fair in London from Thursday to Sunday, everyday, all day. My legs hurt, my feet need massaging, my back asks for a rest and my brain is slightly slower than usual, but… I'm happy. I have met the generation of the future and you know what? We'll be in excellent hands.
Over the past four days I have talked to teenagers thinking about their future and possible career paths, to parents who were dragged around the fair by excited children, to teachers who care about their inspirational role, to anyone and everyone who wanted to know about the amazing work being done at my workplace or who wanted to share bits of their day with me. I was reminded every single day of how brilliant and lovely the people I work with are and of how lucky I am to know them. There were simple moments when I blocked out the chaotic sound of the crowds having fun and had a silent look around… I loved it.
:: enjoying what I do and the people I work with.
:: having good people visit our stall. ever so lucky!
:: inspiring hotel views.
:: morning sunshine.
:: hot showers!
:: sushi and white wine.
:: morning walks.
How has your Monday been? I hope as inspired as mine, but with less lack of sleep and hopefully warmer. Spring is almost here…!


  1. Maï Tomasena
    19 March 2013 / 08:00

    Las ferias son terribles, te dejan k.o durante varios días pero sí son muy satisfactorias y más cuando conectas con tanta gente. Me estoy imaginando a esos jóvenes que salen al mundo laboral llenos de ilusión 🙂 Mi lunes muy inspirador, esta vez con más horas dormidas jajaja! Un besazoooo!

  2. ei! kumpel
    19 March 2013 / 16:08

    imagino que estejas de rastos, mas deve ter sido de facto interessante!

  3. Little Miss Joey
    20 March 2013 / 20:14

    Mai: Si, es fenomenal ver a los jovenes y sus sueños! Cuanta ilusión 🙂 Dormir… si :Dei! kumpel: foi excelente, uma inspiração!

  4. MissLilly
    22 March 2013 / 12:28

    wow so amazing!!! it must have been such a rich experience! I did a workshop in my company for young portuguese student, to talk about their future and what they could do and it was amazing :)well done!

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