new scarf

Finished, my first lace project, started in October 2010 *insert mild embarrassed face here*. This is the year where all those WIP projects make their way to completion, one at a time. 
I'm loving this scarf, it's sooo comfy and soft and warm. I just want to snuggle up with it!
The up side of waiting so long to complete this project is that I realised how much my knitting has improved in the last two years! Yay me!


  1. Bella
    19 February 2013 / 09:22

    Very pretty!

  2. Dobbin
    19 February 2013 / 12:48

    Worth the wait! Well done.

  3. ei! kumpel
    19 February 2013 / 14:48

    ficou memso bonito, valeu a espera :)margarida

  4. cococita
    19 February 2013 / 16:43

    It is SO beautiful and the colour really suits you! (its also one of my favourites ;))Love the pattern as well: it looks very charming without being too chic. The perfect style.

  5. Eva Linda
    20 February 2013 / 05:18

    Its so pretty! Can we find the pattern in your Ravelry profile?I like to see more finish projects like this here 🙂 Good work!

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