the story of a birthday

I cannot begin to explain to you how AWESOME my birthday was. Proper kid awesome, with eyes wide open in amazement and smiles filled with happiness. Some days just work, you know, and I have been lucky enough to have one of those days fall on my birthday.

My friends, people, my friends are something else. I'm not speechless often, but looking at how unbelievebly amazing my day was, I'm left unable to properly articulate how I feel. Happy sums it up, but it's only just the tip of the iceberg. And of course there's also my family and the brilliant LMrJ. I'm pinching myself still…!
As promised, my day in images…
32-3-breakfast 32-4-cupcakes 
32-12-lunch 32-13-bellini
32-14-pastalunch 32-15-mosi 
32-16-lowry 32-17-water 


  1. Angela Acosta
    9 August 2012 / 18:00

    This post even made me happy!Happy Birthday LMJ. May that joy last as long as you want it to.

  2. JZ
    11 August 2012 / 12:01

    Great photos!

  3. Little Miss Joey
    20 August 2012 / 21:46

    Thanks Angela 🙂 Its definitely still going xxThanks, JZ!

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