This Monday begins with an alert of snow for the shire. As LMJ eats her warm porridge, the weather people talk of the big freeze of 2012 and how it may still happen this winter. Snow is lovely and pretty… in the right places; the shire is not the right place. The whole county comes to a halt, really! So LMJ makes an agreement with the weather gods; as long as Mr Joey can land in the country and make his way to Oxford, I shall not complain. I'll zip my wee mouth and smile in the face of chaos.
As I tell Mr Joey of the imminent snow, I discover my Brazilian has never seen it and wouldn't mind at all to change that. Maybe snow could fall after his arrival then, I think to myself, as if any of these things were within LMJ's little grasp. What is within my grasp though, is the scarf and hat I'm knitting Mr Joey so he can at least be almost warm when he arrives straight from the Brazilian summer to the UK winter.
:: eating breakfast while watching the news. I like it.
:: friends. mine are the best!
:: watching episode after episode of the Big Bang Theory whilst drinking a hot beverage. hahahahaha!
:: running. it's good.
:: the smell of coffee.
:: soup! LMJ loves soup!
:: curry! yay for curry!
:: later sunsets and earlier sunrises. we're leaving winter behind!
How's your Monday going? Are you all ready for February? 🙂
so sweet, youre knitting for Mr Joey 🙂 I hope the snow waits for his landing. xxo
Would love to see a picture of the scarf in its actual state of being dearest Joey!Looking forward to the delights of Spring together with you (and counting the days with you for Mister Joeys visit :))xxx
i just love your lists! winter has been so mild around here so far. Just a little snow for a day or so. hope Mr Joey landed ok with no snow…
I second Cococita, Id love to see a pic of that scarf! You must post more, my dear, I was starting to wonder if youd abandoned us : (
Ladies, youre so sweet and lovely and made my Sunday so warm! Thank you ever so much for coming here and saying hello in such a gentle way :)@Ana: we had snow this weekend and his only arriving in two weeks… think he may have missed it, but as long as he can land none of us will complain 🙂 xxx@cococita: scarf is finished! I will photograph when I can, definitely when Mr Joey gets to wear it 🙂 busy now working on the hat, so photography is waiting… shiu… tell noone :P@esra: 🙂 your pictures so make me want to pick up my camera and go for a wander! Mr Joey is arriving in 12 days and 17 hours… not that Im counting!@primalchild: picture will come, promise 🙂 I agree, I must write more, thank you for pushing me and nudging me, its so warm and makes me feel appreciated! xxx