::inspiring Mondays::

I love you
On the second Monday in October, unlike the first one, we have normal Autumn weather. For the UK, this means temperatures around the 15C during the day and a little bit of wind (or a lot, like today!). 
I love Autumn. Ages ago, I thought about what was my favourite season and I could not work it out. I simply could not pick. Turns out, I love all seasons, I love having all seasons. At a push, I'm able to select two, Summer and Autumn, but please don't make me. I love the variety that comes with having all seasons and being able to do different things at different times of the year because it is that time of the year. I love being able to wear all the things I knit in the colder weather as well as indulge by the sea in a bikini reading a book when it's warm. 
:: Little Brother. seriously, Mum and Dad, he's the best thing ever, and definitely the best thing you've ever given me. him and my cheeky face. 
:: pyjama Sunday! yay! 
:: dresses. gotta love dresses. 
:: dinner with friends. 
:: picking fabrics for a sewing project. a bag, if you must know. 
:: Spooks on a big screen again. love Sunday routines :) 
:: my favourite podcast on the iPod for my morning walk. 
:: early morning phone calls. 
:: friends recording documentaries for you because they know you'll like it. 
:: no rain. 
:: my first interview 😀 this is so exciting! go over and read all the others too! Thank you, Bella!
How's your Monday thus far? Inspiring? Or the promise of an inspiration? Looking forward to hearing what's making your day 🙂


  1. Michael Maia
    11 October 2011 / 00:22

    Eu também gosto das estações. E gostaria de poder viajar para lugares onde eu pudesse aproveitar o melhor de cada uma delas (mas para isso precisaria conhecer os destinos certos e, claro, ter tempo e dinheiro suficiente).O Rio é verão. Embora muitas vezes seja quente demais, não conheço melhor lugar para aproveitar o que essa estação tem a oferecer. Dizem que aqui temos duas estações apenas: verão e inFerno. Não é verdade. Mas essa segunda segunda feira de primavera me fez pensar que, de fato, pulamos direto do inverno para o verão. =PBy the way, I like the photo. 😉

  2. Besoterio
    11 October 2011 / 00:47

    I was off from work today–that made my day inspiring.

  3. Sylvia @ From The Heart
    11 October 2011 / 02:56

    Hi LMJ! Im here via 52 Photos Project. I saw your interview there and had to stop by for a visit. Ive bookmarked your site and will be coming back for future visits 🙂

  4. Dobbin
    11 October 2011 / 09:06

    I like all the seasons except winter. To be honest I am jealous of the birds who migrate to warmer climes when it turns cold. Or those animals who can just hibernate until spring arrives. The only good things about winter are Christmas, snow, apple crumble, log fires, stews and going snowboarding. Actually thats quite a few…!

  5. JZ
    11 October 2011 / 10:47

    Spring always works for me, since its getting brighter and the days are getting longer.Great interview!

  6. esra
    12 October 2011 / 21:27

    wonderful post… Im like you, too. I would select autumn and summer if I had to choose two. Love your list..I met a friend of mine on Monday. I had not seen him over 10 years and that definitely made my day..

  7. Fenny Setiawan
    13 October 2011 / 07:26

    You are always has an inspiring Monday Joey…glad to know that 🙂

  8. Little Miss Joey
    13 October 2011 / 12:24

    @Michael: Nao imagino carioca a gostar de estacoes 😛 daqui a nada vou poder saber como e o Verao dai :DThanks!@Besoterio: I can imagine that to have inspired even more, yes 🙂 Lucky you!@Sylvia: welcome 🙂 Thank you very much for visiting and saying hello!@Dobbin: Glad you worked that one out yourself :P@JZ: What a good way to know you know more, Mr Z…y :PThanks :D@esra: 😀 its wonderful to know there are other people who share quite a few interests with you out there 🙂 makes me really like this internet thing! Thats a great great great Monday!@Fenny: aww… youre so sweet, Fenny 🙂 let me know when you do visit Oxford 😉

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