Fisheye adventure…

… or the characters of a house sitting story.

Fisheye characters
As promised, photos from the little pet gang I house sitted with a few weeks back.

From left to right. Boris, the old Labrador who thinks he's a puppy at the sweet age of 12 and wants to take you for long walks he really cannot do. Meghan, the lady of the trio who thinks you exist to be her sofa and refused to put her tongue out when asked. And Samson, the happy ginger tom without a tail (lost in battle!) but with an amazingly soft fur who sleeps on top of the fridge to meow at you when you go past.
Gang, meet the readers. Readers, meet the gang!

Little note: Photos taken on the iPod Touch using the Fisheye Kit application. 



  1. cococita
    15 June 2011 / 22:42

    LMJ, you are CRAZY! :p

  2. Little Miss Joey
    16 June 2011 / 07:17

    hahahahaha… a wee bit special, yes 😛

  3. Dobbin
    19 June 2011 / 12:54

    This is what the fisheye lens was invented for!

  4. Little Miss Joey
    19 June 2011 / 21:54

    😀 Oh yeah!

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