I had an amazing weekend in Bristol. I was myself and a bit of a new me who can wear red lipstick and have fun with it. I laughed and chatted and knitted and barely did any photography but that was ok too. I had a lovely lunch at Harvey Nichols and curry and pizza and mojitos and white wine, not all in one go. I watched the Grand Prix and could not believe how exciting it finally got! It was about time F1 people! Indeed I had an amazing weekend and coming back to the real world this Monday was not a problem because of that. And because Ascot is this weekend and I have lovely visitors.
I want to sew a red and white quilt. I already have most of the fabric and one day I will do it. And love it. This reminds me I am still crocheting a blanket and have been for the last 4 years…hum… yes… There is no hurry, it’s the beauty of it! On the topic of handmade, I have finished this red hat… see above!
:: girly weekend in Bristol. thanks Julie and Leanne ♥
:: mojitos ♥
:: cats. even if other people’s cats.
:: water. blimey it is good!
:: cardigan knitting. pure lush.
:: on time trains.
:: no rain today. well, just a bit, early.
:: Ascot!
:: M is visiting. yay!
:: cousin is visiting. yay!
:: red lipstick. it actually looks good. it does!
Hope you’re having an amazing beginning of the weekend. The weekend is almost here 🙂
The hat is fabulous! Love the colours of the yarn.M is looking forward to this WE too …And I, I am counting the days until the 6th of July :)Have a nice week Joey!Btw: your attempt to dominate the world is obviously succeeding –> Twitter, Facebook … LMJ rules the virtual world :)x
Quilting could be a good option: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2002862/Why-quilting-uniquely-good-us.htmlAlthough it is the Daily Mail so probably BS.
@cococita: Thanks Elke 🙂 Im counting the days too 😀 almost here!hahahaha… I almost got it :P@Dobbin: I knew it! I really did! 😛