of other breakfasts

Breakfast again

 A week ago I had breakfast in Portugal before kissing little brother and Mum a very early goodbye and being driven to the airport by Dad. As predicted, I miss all of them. I miss them annoying me and/or teasing me. I miss their quiet daily activities and their loud outbursts of silliness just the same. I miss their puzzled looks as I set up the breakfast table to photograph it and wonder why I'm letting my toast go cold. I miss our 324 attempts at having a family photo and managing to have one of us looking weird in every single one. I miss Dad talking non-stop whenever I try to take his photograph. I miss Mum moaning she never looks good in photographs but letting me try anyway (she is only the most beautiful woman I know!). I miss little brother photographing me so I'd have something too and how photogenic he is. I miss how we all work together in spite of being so utterly dysfunctional too. And I wouldn't have believed any of this if you had told it to me when I was younger. Gotta love being older 🙂



  1. Dobbin
    8 May 2011 / 21:16

    Lovely pic and delicious-looking brekkie!

  2. Little Miss Joey
    8 May 2011 / 23:23

    Thanks Dobbin 🙂 It was very yummy 😀

  3. Fenny Setiawan
    10 May 2011 / 16:57

    Lovely pictures and look like a very hearty breakfast 🙂 I love someone take a picture about what they eat and captured it nicely :). Hey are you in Instagram?

  4. Little Miss Joey
    10 May 2011 / 18:50

    Thanks Fenny! It was really taste, bread at home is very good :)No, Im not on Instagram… will look into it though!

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