
Little Miss Joey's feet
Morning all
I bet you thought you wouldn't hear from me today. To be honest, I didn't think I'd be here either, but there's this thing called wireless internet anywhere and everywhere and it's absolutely amazing! Really! So here I am, matching hat and bag ready to go to (currently not so) sunny Portugal! I have to say the hat is all lovely and whatnot but is a bit of a nuisance to travel with… as in, it goes on your head and that's about it. So leaving the house at 7am with a big sun hat was… special!
I like photographing my feet. It started off with them being an easy target, they're always there (fortunately!). And then it grew into something more (like a nice love story!). I now really enjoy it, different shoes, different angles, different grounds, or just the same, that works too. And my today my feet, together with a bus and a plane (for no man is an island) are taking me home. I may even give them a nice goot massage as a thank you. That's how grateful I am! 
Right, Little Miss Joey is waving bye bye for now. But she'll be back soon. With photos. Lots and lots of them. Cameras ready, steady, go! 


  1. Dobbin
    23 April 2011 / 09:58

    Blogging on the move…impressive Joey, very impressive!

  2. Little Miss Joey
    23 April 2011 / 19:22

    Thank you Nicky, thank you 🙂

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