I’m still lacking a focus. I’m sure I’ve decided to find one… But I haven’t yet. Nor my voice. Which is another way of saying my style. Nor have I established a frequency for posting that is independent of Dobbin (even though I’ve been doing ok by myself in the blog world while he’s on holiday!). So many things to do and so little time… While I find Little Miss Joey’s true self amidst her little comic attempts, I will indulge in showing beautiful things.
When I grow up I want to have a little cape like this one. I very much doubt I’ll look this adorable in it, but that’s another story and something for me to worry about! Matilde Beldroega designs the most beautiful fabric dolls, from little girls, to cats and dogs and donkeys and even whole families. She dresses them up in the cutest miniature outfits, here and here and here. I could go on, but instead I’m wondering when this growing up business will actually happen so I can give myself one of these dolls… humm… which one to pick? This has always been my dilemma, I cannot pick one… maybe a donkey? So cute!
Muito obrigado, Joana! Fico muito feliz 😀